Real Talk Fridays: The importance of self-care

Real Talk Fridays: The importance of self-care

Welcome back loyal readers to our newest addition to the REAL TALK FRIDAY mini-series; this week’s post is an essential read for those struggling to understand why talking some much needed “YOU TIME” is so important! With that, that brings us nicely to the theme for this week's blog post…

The importance of self-care!

Life can keep you busy, and not only thatit can also cause you a lot of stress and anxiety at times. The constant commitments of daily life including long working hours and taking care of your family can all be stopping you from taking some much-needed downtime. Even the idea of taking some time for yourself can seem completely unimportant when you have responsibilities but please hear us when we say…

There is nothing more important than remembering to look after yourself and own your mental well being first!”

If you find it difficult to find the time, then you may need to make the time. The idea of self-care being a pleasure over a necessity is not strictly true; it should be a fundamental part of your daily if not weekly routine. Moreover, self-care is not necessarily focused around WHAT you are doing but more on WHY!

It's important to give yourself some downtime to allow yourself to feel content with your thoughts & feelings and to switch off the outside noise. You can use this time to fully embrace your feelings if you wanted to, to help you get a better understanding or clearer perspective on things that may have been playing on your mind.

Self-care can help give you gain that clarity or much needed mental relief if you let it.

It does not need to cost you a thing or even take up too much of your downtime as you will be surprised just how easily you can make time for yourself. You may even be taking up several daily self-care practices without you even realizing For instance, doing your daily skincare routine, having an evening bath or taking half an hour to listen to your favorite playlist whilst you read; are all self-care practices.

Spending a few minutes in the morning listing to your favorite #girlpower playlist whilst you work your way through your skincare routine can help get in some essential self-care time at the beginning of your day. You can be sure that our EDEN BEAUTY SHOP is always stocked full of skincare goodies designed for all skin types to use.

If you are more into your PM skincare routine or you may be like an evening bath after a long day, indulging yourself in a mini post or pre pamper routine could help you feel even more at ease. what's more, our very own BODY DEW after bath oil is not just great for nourishing your skin, but it's also rich in calming aromatic ingredients that can help you feel centered and relaxed. Perfect to help you feel calm and ready for bed.

Taking time out for yourself is crucial for your mental well-being above all else, after all, self-care is self-love!

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