Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Acne
Acne is a skin complaint that many of us will suffer from at one time or another. It can stem from many different factors, such as diet, hormones and genes. Scientists are still trying to determine which factors contribute to acne, especially in severe cases. Here is a look at the most common symptoms, causes and treatments that can help you get your acne under control.
Mild symptoms can include small blackheads and whiteheads, generally along the T-zone of the face. This area of the face tends to be oilier, and this is one of the reasons that acne appears here first.
Medium acne will affect the central area of the face and nose but also include the cheek area, forehead and chin. This acne can range from a flat red blemish on the skin to a raised pimple that is infected with bacteria.
Severe acne will inflame most of the face and even other areas of the body, such as across the shoulders and the back. Severe acne can be really painful as the inflamed areas remain under the skin and can stay in the same area of the skin for many months or years, leading to bad scarring of the skin and emotional distress.
The causes and experience of acne can be different for everyone because there are so many underlying factors to consider. Here is a look at some of the most common causes.
Hormones and DNA
Age is one of the factors in an outbreak of acne, especially in teenagers. This age group coincides with hormonal changes in the body that can lead to an overproduction of oil in the sebaceous glands of the skin. In addition, the change in hormone levels seen before menstruation can also cause acne. Some people may be genetically predisposed to acne due to their DNA and immune responses.
The pores of the skin are small and can be easily blocked, so if regular skin care is ignored, dead skin cells can block them. Within this pore lies a sebaceous gland, which produces oil to protect our skin. If the follicle becomes blocked and infected, this leads to a redness around the follicle and the development of pimples, blackheads and acne. Good cleansing habits and using a gentle scrub, such as this Sesame Ginger Scrub. regularly can make a difference. However, this is only one piece in the overall puzzle of acne; diet is another factor.
Diet has been linked to outbreaks of acne and pimples in those who are sensitive to certain foods. Dairy, excess refined sugar and chocolate are all considered a trigger for acne in certain people, and when you consider that many young people enjoy these foods, you can begin to see how one factor can contribute to another and make an outbreak of acne worse. Following a cleaner eating regimen will help cleanse the body. Making sure you have good-quality protein, fruits, vegetables, fiber-rich products such as oatmeal, and plenty of water while avoiding processed foods and dairy can help alleviate many acne symptoms.
Acne can cause many complications, and if it is very severe, it can lead to lifelong scarring. However, some complications are not just on the skin. The appearance of pimples can lead to anxiety and depression in some people, especially younger people who may already be experiencing problems with self-esteem related to their appearance.
Fortunately, there are many treatments for acne available. The first step in treating mild acne is to establish a regular cleansing routine using products that are recommended for this disorder. There are a lot of topical chemical formulations, but these can be aggressive and some people’s skin may not respond well to them. For people who have sensitive skin, a less harsh approach to cleansing is recommended using natural products. This, combined with some positive changes to the diet, is often all it takes to clear an outbreak of pimples and acne.
However, if your acne persists or gets progressively worse, it may be time to consider getting a dermatologist's advice. Some doctors prescribe antibiotics for acne, which will address the bacterial problems in the blocked pores, and they can prescribe topical treatments as well.
Acne can be a problem for many people, but by taking good care of your skin and reaching out for medical help if you need it, you will soon be on your way to a clearer and smoother complexion.